5 Proven Tips for Creating a Successful Brand Communication Strategy

During brand development in Dubai, companies need to decide on specific strategies to communicate their core messages. And no, brand communication isn’t just a fancy term for a marketing strategy. While it may have similarities with marketing, brand communication is something entirely different. It is more focused on not just speaking to the audience, but…

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What You Need to Know About Working With a Marketing Consultant Today

Marketing is a crucial element every business needs to grow and generate sales. For this reason, improving your efforts and campaigns should be an ongoing process, and you have to be open to trying out different strategies to achieve your goals. Working with a marketing consultant is one of the strategies you can consider to…

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5 Reasons Why Strong Visual Branding Is More Important Than Ever

Did you know that first impressions happen way before customers step inside a store? The truth is, people can come up with an opinion about your company even before they see your place of business. This is all because of your visual identity. You see, when it comes to branding, what people see often anchors…

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Menu Design in the Era of Online Ordering and Takeout Dining

There are many things you need to think about when starting a restaurant, including equipment and tools acquisition, vendor search, logistics, and location. Aside from these, the menu is also crucial to the success of any food business. After all, it carries your restaurant’s entire product line and serves as a way to showcase what…

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4 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid During and After the Coronavirus Crisis

It’s now been a year since the global pandemic began. And since then, many things have changed. E-commerce has soared, brick-and-mortar businesses have taken a hit, and consumers have adapted to the trends, challenging the way search engine marketing is done.  The catch is that if you don’t try to adapt your company’s marketing to…

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E-Commerce in the New Normal: 3 Trends Brands Need to Know

To say that the coronavirus pandemic has thrown the world off-kilter is an understatement. Much has changed since the news broke out about the virus, including how people use e-commerce in their daily lives. Along with the economic slowdown and shifting priorities, your corporate branding strategy should also adapt to the changing times. In the…

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3 Ways Brands Can Provide Value During Turbulent Times

As the best branding agency in Dubai, we know how crucial it is for brands to balance consistency with authenticity and flexibility in times of crisis.  During this period of uncertainty, every brand must rise to the challenge. To ensure you are operating as you should under the circumstances, read on for three ways brands…

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Social Commerce Is Here to Stay: Are You Ready?

Do you have that one friend who always posts items for sale on her Facebook or Instagram account? Are you interested in doing the same? If your answer is yes, then you’re in the right place. Here, we’ll talk about social commerce: what it is and how this social media solution works. What Is Social…

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3 Lessons From the Most Legendary Rebranding Campaigns of All Time

What do Apple, Burberry, and Volvo have in common? Aside from being known as global brands, these brands have, at one time, gone through a rebranding process. As they enjoy the fruits of their labors today, find out what lessons can be gained from their rebranding journey. If you plan to embark on the same…

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Hue Are You? Using Color Theory to Create a Brand Persona

Every time consumers interact with a brand, it presents opportunities for the company to influence the market’s perception of them. The marketer’s responsibility is to choose the best designs for visual assets to be used during these situations that will make customers want to buy their products or acquire their services. With the help of…

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