3 Ways Brands Can Provide Value During Turbulent Times

As the best branding agency in Dubai, we know how crucial it is for brands to balance consistency with authenticity and flexibility in times of crisis.  During this period of uncertainty, every brand must rise to the challenge. To ensure you are operating as you should under the circumstances, read on for three ways brands…

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3 Lessons From the Most Legendary Rebranding Campaigns of All Time

What do Apple, Burberry, and Volvo have in common? Aside from being known as global brands, these brands have, at one time, gone through a rebranding process. As they enjoy the fruits of their labors today, find out what lessons can be gained from their rebranding journey. If you plan to embark on the same…

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Hue Are You? Using Color Theory to Create a Brand Persona

Every time consumers interact with a brand, it presents opportunities for the company to influence the market’s perception of them. The marketer’s responsibility is to choose the best designs for visual assets to be used during these situations that will make customers want to buy their products or acquire their services. With the help of…

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A Guide to Choosing Your Business’s Best Brand Touchpoints

Establishing a brand touchpoint is an integral part of creating a brand that thrives. It is used in marketing and promotion to make sure that a company’s target market has the best experience with the brand. Whether you’re the head of the marketing department or the boss of the company, this article can help you…

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How to Boost Brand Awareness Through Employee Engagement

Employee engagement has traditionally been seen as an internal matter — one that does not concern anyone else outside the company. However,  time has shown that workers can do more for their organizations beyond putting in time at their desks. As a brand strategy agency in Dubai, we know what engaged employees can do to…

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5 Elements of a Powerful Branding Strategy

Apple, Coca-Cola, Nike, Starbucks, and Tesla are only some of the most well-known companies that are killing it with their branding campaigns. Through their innovative, forward-thinking concepts and success in bringing these ideas to life, they have managed to establish and hold on to their position at the top. Big companies, though, are not the…

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6 Signs It’s Time for a Much-Needed Rebrand

Changing your brand identity is something that requires much thought and research. It isn’t a decision that can be based on a whim. Although a rebrand feels like a fresh start for your company, it’s not always beneficial or even necessary. Remember that just because you start to realize that you don’t like your logo,…

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The Top 5 Visual Branding Mistakes to Avoid

If you’re asked to name the top three brands that first come to your mind, what would these be? Chances are, names like Apple, Coca-cola, or Nike would make the cut. These branding behemoths came to where they stand now because they paid close attention to visual branding. Of course, it’s not the only factor…

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What’s in a Name? How to Choose a Brand Name That Resonates

Various essential processes come with starting a new business. You have to find the perfect space for your office or retail store, furnish your premises, hire your first employees, and take on other tasks that will take you a step closer to finally launching your venture. All these tasks, though, may appear to be a…

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How to Use Brand Archetypes to Connect Emotionally With Your Audience

Brand archetypes are employed by some of the most loved companies in the world. Brand archetypes aim to strengthen a brand’s story and are a fantastic way to leave an enduring impression on potential customers. Utilizing an archetype in your brand’s story helps to arouse emotion and generate personal connections between your brand and your…

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