
The Top 5 Visual Branding Mistakes to Avoid

If you’re asked to name the top three brands that first come to your mind, what would these be? Chances are, names like Apple, Coca-cola, or Nike would make the cut.

These branding behemoths came to where they stand now because they paid close attention to visual branding. Of course, it’s not the only factor in their success, but it plays a key role in shaping how they are seen and felt by their target market.

Would you like to be in on their little secret to branding victory?

Follow the Yellow Brick Road 

If you’re like Dorothy, who is lost in all the confusion on how to best leverage your brand, then read on and find out what the top mistakes in visual branding are. Whether you are about to change the world with your enterprise or want to innovate your current business, it’s not too late to change the course of your entrepreneurial destiny.

With the help of a reputable brand strategy agency, you can deftly maneuver the twist and turns of your journey. The experience and expertise of these branding experts will aid you in deciphering which visual elements will work best for your brand. 

Combining the power of research, strategy, and creativity, these visual branding specialists will pave the way for you to achieve both your communication and business goals.

If you want to follow the yellow brick road to success, much like the most favored brands in the world, then you should avoid the following visual branding mistakes:

1. Inconsistent Branding Identity

Consistency is one of the fundamental rules in branding. If your messages, visual design, or tone of voice is all over the place, then you are endangering your brand.

To be consistent, you must first establish a set of rules and guidelines that you, your advertising and communications team, and other third-party partners or suppliers will use. 

Your brand bible or style guide will ensure uniformity across applications and channels. Consistent reiteration of your brand in your communication channels, advertising campaigns, and even in your corporate stationery or merchandise can help in brand retention.

A brand bible usually includes the guidelines for your logo, wordmark, color scheme, official fonts, and iconography, and photography. It may also include the specific instructions for website content and design. Your brand’s tone of voice should also be included to create a holistic approach to creating and designing messages that will put your brand’s best foot forward.

2. Being Too Logo-Centric

Your brand logo is the face of your brand. It is usually the first thing that people see. It is what your market remembers (or should remember). Having an effective logo is crucial to the survival of your brand in the hearts and minds of your target audience.

However, it is not the be-all and end-all of your business. The logo is just one of the elements of your story. It can be used to complement the overall look and feel of your material, but not to the point of being excessive that it dilutes your brand image.

Instead, you should strive to create visuals that create a whole story that is relevant to your target audience. It must be a total visual experience that is not hinged merely on your logo.

3. Taking the “Me Too” Train

Some say that imitation is the best form of flattery. However, aside from the legal repercussions, it only puts your brand in a bad light. Even if you are totally amazed by an industry player’s logo, for example, it is in bad taste to completely replicate it.

If you want to create a brand that can be trusted, veer away from being a copycat. Create your own visuals based on your own brand story, mission, and vision. To be a respected brand, you must have your own identity. You need to set yourself apart from your competitors and distinguish yourself with your own set of brand values that will resonate with your respective crowd.

4. Disregarding Design Coherence

Another mortal sin in the world of visual branding is to disregard design coherence. This means that your design elements are all over the place. Haphazard design can only confuse your audience and turn them off your brand.

Avoid cluttering your design space. Respect symmetry and balance in your visual materials. Do not try to please everyone by overcrowding your design space. Embrace minimalism and instead, try to maximize key design elements that will bring out your message with clarity and coherence.

5. Chucking Out the Importance of Color

Color can make your brand messages pop out. It can add life and verve into your designs. However, if you are not careful, it can also mess up your design and brand image.

That is why it is important that you work with experts who can do research on which colors will work best for your brand. Most companies turn to color psychology to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Some even concoct their own unique color and patent it so it can help with brand consistency.

Make sure that your use of color in your materials complement your brand image and help tell a consistent story that resonates with your target market.

Be Seen in the Best Light

These are just some of the more salient points when it comes to visual branding mistakes. Avoid these and you are well on your way to building a unique, memorable brand that will be seen in the best light possible.

Better yet, seek the assistance of skilled brand strategists that will use their insights and branding prowess to create a bespoke plan for your visual brand to soar to great heights.

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