Mamta is the loudest person we know. Her version of a whisper is still a decibel or two above normal conversation levels.

She is also the most lovable person we know. She may actually be our favourite persons to laugh at and with, as she’s always just a little bit too dramatic, a little extra, and her reactions are always a bit over the top (this makes pulling pranks on her a favourite side hustle of ours). All this energy lends itself wonderfully to work - it’s with the same passion and determination that she dives completely wholeheartedly into whatever she takes on and gets it done.

And she keeps taking on new things...Harvard courses, moderating panels, hosting conferences and TV pilots, starting her own podcast, drawing & illustrating, consulting on multiple projects and still somehow remaining completely focused on heading up Yellow.

Often found: In a meeting. Or splayed on her couch watching Gilmore Girls.

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